Top 5 mindfulness practices to reduce stress in 2024

Mindfulness practises

Mindfulness continues to be a powerful tool for reducing stress and promoting mental well-being. In 2024, new practices and enhanced techniques have emerged, combining ancient wisdom with modern science. These mindfulness practices focus on integrating the mind and body, allowing individuals to navigate stressful situations with clarity and calm. Here are the top 5 mindfulness practices to reduce stress in 2024.

Body scan meditation

Why it’s effective: Body scan meditation is a mindfulness practice that helps increase awareness of bodily sensations and tension, allowing for physical and mental relaxation. By focusing on each part of the body, this technique helps release tension and cultivates a deeper connection between the mind and body.

How to practice:

  • Find a comfortable, quiet space where you won’t be disturbed.
  • Close your eyes and take deep breaths, allowing your body to relax.
  • Slowly move your attention from your toes to your head, focusing on each part of your body. Notice any tension or discomfort and consciously relax those areas.
  • This can be done for 10-20 minutes, depending on your time and needs.

Tip for 2024: Body scan meditations are now available through many mindfulness apps, which guide you through the process with customized options based on your mood and stress levels.

Mindful walking

Why it’s effective: Mindful walking is a moving meditation that allows individuals to combine physical activity with mindfulness. This practice is ideal for those who may find sitting meditation challenging, and it can be done indoors or outdoors.

How to practice:

  • Walk at a slow, steady pace, focusing on the sensation of each step—how your feet feel as they connect with the ground.
  • Pay attention to your surroundings, noticing the colors, sounds, and textures around you.
  • Focus on your breath and body movements as you walk, letting go of distracting thoughts.

Tip for 2024: Outdoor mindful walking has gained popularity, particularly in natural environments like parks or forests. This practice not only reduces stress but also helps restore attention and focus.

Gratitude journaling with mindfulness

Why it’s effective: Gratitude journaling helps reframe negative thoughts and cultivates positive emotions. In 2024, combining gratitude practices with mindfulness techniques has become a powerful way to reduce stress and increase happiness.

How to practice:

  • Set aside a few minutes each day to reflect on things you are grateful for.
  • As you write, take deep breaths and focus on the sensations that arise as you think about each positive moment or person in your life.
  • Mindfully reflect on the impact these moments have had on your well-being.

Tip for 2024: Digital platforms like journaling apps now offer guided gratitude prompts combined with mindfulness exercises, making it easier to maintain a consistent practice.

Mindful eating

Why it’s effective: Mindful eating brings awareness to the act of eating, helping reduce stress, prevent overeating, and improve digestion. In 2024, this practice is being integrated into daily routines to help individuals maintain better control over emotional eating, which is often linked to stress.

How to practice:

  • Before eating, take a few deep breaths and set an intention to be present throughout the meal.
  • Focus on the colors, textures, and smells of your food.
  • Chew slowly and savor each bite, paying attention to the taste and how your body responds to the food.
  • Avoid distractions like phones or TV during meals.

Tip for 2024: Mindful eating courses are now widely available online, often included as part of holistic wellness programs that help address both physical and emotional aspects of food.

Mindfulness eating

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Mindfulness-based stress reduction (mbsr)

Why it’s effective: Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is a structured program designed to help individuals manage stress, pain, and anxiety through mindfulness practices. It is one of the most scientifically researched mindfulness programs and has been shown to be highly effective for reducing stress.

How to practice:

  • MBSR typically involves a combination of meditation, body scan exercises, and yoga.
  • You can join an MBSR course, either online or in-person, to learn the techniques and receive guidance from a certified instructor.
  • Daily practice of MBSR techniques is recommended to build resilience against stress.

Tip for 2024: Virtual MBSR programs have expanded, offering flexibility for individuals who want to participate from the comfort of their homes while still receiving the benefits of a structured mindfulness practice.


Mindfulness practices in 2024 offer a wide range of tools for reducing stress and improving mental clarity. By integrating these practices into daily life, individuals can manage stress more effectively and cultivate a sense of peace and well-being. Whether through movement, meditation, or mindful activities, these expert-recommended practices can transform how we respond to stress in our fast-paced world.

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